1. MeWe, the Social Network Built on Trust, Control and Love
  2. 5 SEO Predictions You Can Bank On for 2021 by Cyrus Sheperd
  3. Google Search Custom Date Range Is Now Fixed
  4. Mobile First Indexing explanation
  5. Google SearchOffTheRecord Podcast
  6. Google Inks Agreement in France on Paying Publishers For News Reuse
  7. Inferred Links Will Replace the Link Graph
  8. The White House is Hiring Hackers and Put it in Their Source Code
  9. Instagram Lead Says He’s Not Happy With Reels Yet

MeWe, the Social Network Built on Trust, Control and Love Yes or no? What do you think? It’s a Facebook alternative built on trust, control, and love. Your privacy matters. Your private life is not for sale, no ads, no spyware, no bs.

Let’s give it a try. We’ll see. Usually, I will get in with new platforms like this one, but I will wait before investing. I wait a year and a half to invest in social media. Unless you want to become an influencer on MeWe. If you’re going to become an influencer on MeWe,  register today and get on it today to become significant.  

5 SEO Predictions You Can Bank On for 2021 by Cyrus Sheperd

The discussion starts with a tweet from our friend Cyrus Shepherd: five SEO predictions for 2021.

Then, our friend Remco is pitching in with his predictions, and Aaron Wall is coming in with a statement saying: 

I agree with him, and I agree with Remco saying:

It’s is very accurate. It’s been the horror story of Bing marketing. Meaning if something were happening for Bing Australia, Bing USA would not even know what was going on. Hopefully, they’ll 

fix that; then it gets really interesting when Aaron shares an article from search engine land, explaining how Google proved that Bing was scrapping Google’s results to build up its index.  

Now the essential part of this is it was proved that Bing is scrapping Google to build the index and how they did that was by creating fake words that didn’t exist before.

By doing that, what they did is prove to the world that they could manually get into the index and do something because that was 2011 if I remember correctly.

Previously Google swore to god that there was no manual interaction in the index they were. They could not manually get in and do anything. Well, the proof is on the screen, and the self-talk denoted to themselves they self accuse themselves or at least they told the world that it was not true, that it could not manually modify something. Aaron Wall replies with something even more interesting:

It’s fantastic that we SEOs still don’t exist. It’s amazing that DOJ doesn’t know this stuff and has asked about what we know, about what all those Google and else can do. So that’s what I love because I’m a search engine hacker and I love when we found this kind of information. This is where I’m at my best.

Google Search Custom Date Range Is Now Fixed

On SearchEngineRoundtable, by Barry Schwartz.

Google search custom date range is now fixed and thank you, Google, because it was bothering me. I’m using this feature a lot. There’s a feature where you can set up a custom date range for the results, and it was broken. Now it’s fixed, so thank you, Google, for fixing it so quickly. It is usually a very SEO-ish type of features, and usually, when there is a feature that is mostly used by SEOs, they don’t fix it quickly.

Mobile First Indexing explanation by John Mueller.

On Twitter, John Mueller made a whole thread about something that seemed so obvious that I even hesitated to report it.

But, maybe, it seems so obvious that it’s essential to make a statement and make sure that everybody is clear on it. 

The thread ends up with a link to the about mobile-first indexing best practices.  

Obviously, John never watched the live I did to explain one of the problem I have with the way he communicates. He’s not referring enough to official Google documents.  

So this is on the and what I say is John never points out to the SEO starter guide.

Google SearchOffTheRecord Podcast

I can state that I listen to the official Google Search Off The Record Podcast this week with John Mueller, Gary Illyes, and Martin Splitt to discuss index selection language complexities.

The podcast is 30 minutes, but, in my opinion, there were about three minutes of value in this podcast.

The title says index selection language complexities, so Gary explained to us that to store data on cash it is more expensive if you want to store it on ram than on a hard drive, and depending on if the document is called out often or not. Well, it might be hosted on a  different part of the hardware, the ram or the hard drive. Yeah, cool, but why don’t you add the difference between the main index and the supplemental index. That could also be a little bit appropriate when you talk about index selection, and also, I’m going to put my tinfoil hat on but from what I know, it’s been at least five years since you worked on what’s happening between crawling and indexing. Again, IMO, the latest core update was very much about this concept of calling the page, but I will not index the page because it’s too crappy.  

Imagine how much money resources they would save if they don’t have to index all the crap and then get rid of it or put it in the trash.

Google inks agreement in France on paying publishers for news reuse 


Google says to block search engine in Australia to force them to pay for news. So let me explain what’s going on. But first of all, Australia, you guys did it wrong. You first have to take the money then you can start to get nasty on Google. That’s how the french did it and say that they reach an agreement after years. Google poured hundreds of millions of dollars or euros of whatever into media in France. They gave so much money to the french press because they are dying. Because they could not adapt to the internet.

It’s nothing new that Google gave money to the news in France, but now, what’s happening in Australia is: most of the media are forced to pay for news , so if you just read the headlines yeah, like they pay the french but they don’t want to pay the Australian.

Then you must read between the lines. What’s happening here is that Australia wants Google to pay for links.

If Google uses a link from a press website, then they get paid. That’s the big thing because buying links or paying for links is against Google guidelines.

So they can’t do that. Imagine if Google started to pay Australian media for links. It’s just not possible. Nobody knows about SEOs. Nobody knows we exist but if you knew a little bit about us, you wouldn’t understand very easily that it’s not visible from Google’s perspective to pay on a link-based model. It won’t fly so now they offer some alternatives on how they would pay Australian media. yeah guys you can’t you can’t ask Google to pay for links. That won’t work.  

On by Rand Fishkin, which I praised last week for his wonderful piece about how rotten is the ad industry, but when today he’s tripping about “Inferred links will replace the link graph.” Well, first of all, where does this term come from: inferred links. That’s not new, it always existed, and we call that citations, okay, so inferred links equals citations.

In the early days, circa 2000, you are talking about how a search engine called Google, made for the computer in the 90s. And the mobile version of that search engine would replace links by citations or citations would take more weight, more value than the good old backlink. No way, it won’t happen. We spoke about it in a podcast with Judith Lewis but that’s nonsense. I mean, the PageRank is the original, the fundamental layer of the algorithm. Imagine Google building this machine in the 90s with billions of lines of codes, many languages, many layers. Do you imagine how many thousands of engineers worked on this thing, and now you want to make such a drastic change?  

I’m sorry, Rand, I think you are wrong on that one.

The White House is Hiring Hackers and Put it in Their Source Code

The white house is hiring hackers. If you look at the source code, there’s a little comment that says: “If you’re reading this, we need your help building back better.”  And there’s an URL. Well, this is not the first time we see this type of tactic, and maybe it’s even Matt Cutt’s idea because he’s now working for the government. And then trying to improve the digital part of the US government.

Instagram Lead Says He’s Not Happy With Reels Yet  

On Instagram lead says he’s not happy with Reels yet and might consolidate video formats.

Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, is not happy with the feature, the Reels. He’s stating that TikTok is ahead. Well, it’s not an understatement, I don’t think that Instagram is nothing but the best at copying features and killing its enemies. I buy you, or I kill you by copying your features. It worked with Snapchat, and I don’t know about TikTok, but TikTok is becoming significant. TikTok is a very different game than Instagram. So, will they be able to beat TikTok? It’s something very interesting to follow up on.

That’s it for this news!

Thank you for your time. See you next week!

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