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SEO Conspiracy News #8

More Google stuff than you can swallow

Alternative Search News Week 31, 2020

  1. Antitrust Hearing
  2. Marketing in a post-covid world
  3. Too many external links ? on Reddit r/seo
  4. People are still spending money on mobile apps
  5. Web Stories show up in Google images
  6. Google search, top stories, also in the news
  7. Google test categorized sections for search results again
  8. New ways to support Black-owned businesses
  9. 41 of the first page of google search results is taken up by google products

Antitrust Hearing

On Online Platforms and Market Power, Part6: Examining the Dominance of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google

Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet aka Google for most people were grilled by congress on july 29th 2020.

If you missed the conversation with my friend Kristine Shachinger when we streamed live for the first time ever with SEOConspiracy.

The topic was debriefing this very very important event.

The good, the bad, the ugly and even the worst of those hearings.

Marketing in a post-covid world


The report is very optimistic: 97% of digital marketers said that they were able to prove the value of digital marketing to their executives.

Again, that’s during the covid period.

Then also it seems that people are putting a lot of emphasis on content marketing then lead generation, then social media, media relations, inbound marketing and last is executive visibility.

So content seems to be the new game in town which makes me very happy because content is king

Of course it’s all not good especially whatever is going on AFK and as far as tradeshows and conferences, well the 2021 tradeshow circuit looks pretty doomed. We don’t know what the future holds for all these type of events but definitely a lot of changes around there.

Finally the report is suggesting that this covid thing inspired a spirit of reinvention and of course it’s during tough times that people like us, digital marketers strive. It’s when we are pushed into the corners, when we are within a reasonable comfort zone not much exciting stuff happens.

But i most definitely agree with the spirit of reinvention that the covid thing made happen.

Myself, I can testify that it was the case for me as a digital marketer, this whole spirit of reinvention during hardship.

Too many external links?

On the subreddit r/SEO: Too Many External Links?

it’s not a news but i just wanted to include that in the news because it comes back and it’s again going back to the communication by google putting a an evil sticker on the links all together.

So people are just confused and it’s the case of someone organizing a beer festivals calendar in his local area and he’s wondering if 150 external outbound links would be negative.

NO! and please don’t no follow them or don’t attribute them.

150 links, 150 outbound links on one page is fine if you want a subdivide, if you want to build a directory all the better. You can build 150 pages, that’s what i would do 150 pages one per festival.

People, don’t be scared about links please please.

Links are life and the nofollow is evil, it’s the condom of the web

People are still spending money on mobile apps


Well, yes, they do. They are still spending money all over the place and it seems that full screen ads work very well and also that the ad networks world is not getting hit so bad by the covid-19 situation so it looks scary at first but so far the numbers are still very positive.

People are obviously more connected, that was the effect of lockdown but despite this anomaly people are still spending money online.

Web Stories show up in Google images

If you don’t know what the web stories, I got a link for you:

It’s all about this Google Discover feature and this move towards what we can call instagram inspired features.

Google discover and web stories are still a hit or miss type of thing. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. You do everything you have to to appear and maybe you appear maybe you don’t appear, maybe you appear and then you disappear.

Go to google discovery, that’s the ads platform for google discover and give it a try, it’s still early, it’s still time to spend some money in there to see if google discover is working for you.

Google search, top stories, also in the news

“also in the news” meaning now for the news you have a related type of box.

Google test categorized sections for search results again

Another feature reported by Barry Schwartz on

Google test categorize sections for search results again

People, Google will test more and more of these features.

Remember there’s a new cowboy in town, a new boss at the search, ads and voice all together, I reported that in another news.

He’s probably the saver of the google part of Alphabet the mothership

Google is just a part of Alphabet and this guy the new boss is the king of integration, his mojo is “elegance in simplicity” and features to take away from SEO.

So meaning it’s a search engine that will give answers and less and less requires the user to click on links.

That’s what’s happening and then you also have the fact that mobile is changing the game and if you don’t adapt i foresee a troubled future for those who are still stuck on the google computer version type of seo, especially text, you gotta move on multimedia.

New ways to support Black-owned businesses

On Google Blog.

I’m not sure about this one guys what do you think?

In the merchant business profile now you can see a little sticker stating that the business is owned by Black people.

So of course it’s a political move supporting Black, the Black Live Matters movement.

I don’t know what to think about this one honestly.

Not sure it’s a good idea i don’t know if it’s a bad idea but yeah we’ll see but it’s a big statement by google here.

41 of the first page of google search results is taken up by google products

Google’s Top Search Result? Surprise! It’s Google.

Google and Alphabet and the CEO could say whatever they want in front of the committee, well did a study and 41% of the first page of google search results is taken up by google products. 41%.

Google dominates the search market and the first page of google is dominated by google own properties that’s a fact and is there a monopoly here, well i’ll let you decide.

Thanks for your time, see you next week!

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