The No-News #5

This is the No-News Alternative Search News Of 2020, Week 28

I’m not home and I can’t shoot the news because I will be in the southwest of France in a place where there is no internet and even 3G is barely working so I won’t try to shoot and upload anything from there :).

I still wanted to do a short video to remind you to subscribe to the newsletter of SEOconspiracy.

I promise I won’t use your email for anything that I would not want to be done to me.

I will document my journey into building the perfect website with the perfect digital strategy around the website and this is starting when we get back to school, around September.

Before I will share a video, like a preview, where I will build a website from A to Z in a few minutes, thanks to my tool rank4win.

Starting in September, I will show step-by-step how to achieve that goal but as a preview, as a thank you for subscribing, I will show you the final product. How it’s done and quickly well done.

The SEOconspiracy newsletter is the only place where you will be
following my journey.

It’s not gonna happen on the podcast for a very simple reason: I need to share my screen and many of you are listening on the audio podcast so on the public podcast I will share this journey but on a global perspective.

So if you are interested to see in details, step by step, from behind my shoulder how it works; well, go ahead & subscribe to the newsletter 🙂

See you next week for the comeback of the (real) Alternative Search News!

Stay safe.

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Watch the video:

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